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mpvegas Информация профиля

Fitness Professional Enjoying Life
Возраст 40 из Las Vegas, Nevada - Онлайн - Более 2 недель назад
Мужчина Ищу Женщину

Базовая информация

Я бы описал(а) себя как  
I am a very genuine person which comes hand-in-hand with honesty. I'm always able to communicate my thoughts and feelings. I'm a very caring and respectful person. I really love to enjoy my time and always have a positive outlook. Honestly, I'm a very busy person with a lot of goals, and I'm looking to branch out from my professional lifestyle a bit. I am in management the fitness industry. Fitness is very important to me, I'm in great shape and stay very healthy.
I'm looking to meet people and see what they're all about. Ultimately, I'd like to meet someone who can enjoy doing a number of different things in life. Take a nice weekend to travel to the coast, spend time on the beach, go out on a boat, go camping or hiking. I'd also like to be able to attend formal social events, or just go out to a nice dinner. I like to relax a lot as well, so just catching a movie, laying out by the pool, or staying in for the weekend are all things I'd like to enjoy with someone else as well. Of course I'll have to be attracted to someone, I'm really looking for someone who has a lot to offer. I'm new to the concept of meeting people, but I'm not shy to the idea of exchanging a couple and meet in person for the real thing
Знак зодиака  

Внешность и семейное положение

Мой рост  
169 см
Мои глаза  
Моя этническая принадлежность  
Белый европеец/кавказец
Семейное положение  
Не женат/не замужем
У меня есть дети  
Хочу детей  
Привлекательная часть тела  
Мои волосы  
Домашние животные  
Нет животных
Хочу переехать  


Неоконченное высшее
Полный рабочий день
Род занятий  
Род занятий  
Fitness Management
Зарабатываю в год  
от $75,000USD до $99,999USD
Все очень спокойно
Отношение к курению  
Да, в компаниях


В школе я был(а):  
Мое социальное поведение  
Сама дружелюбность, Комедийное, Свободное
Интересы и увлечения:  
Упражнения, Учеба, Музыка, Фильмы, Семья, Путешествия
Мое представление об отлично проведенном времени  
Тусовки с друзьями, Останусь дома, Пробовать новое, Фильмы, Расслабление, Пойду на концерт
Идеально первое свидание  
Anything relatively normal really. No movies - no talking in movies, lame. Any oportunity to get to talk to someone and see what they're really all about. I can have a good time in almost any atmosphere, so it's just a matter of being in good company to enjoy it with someone else.
Я всегда хотел попробовать  
Cruises. I've been on vacations all over, but for some reasone I haven't been on any cruises yet. Not for long...
Друзья считают что я:  
Сама дружелюбность, На кого они хотят быть похожими, Идеал, Немного "того"


Моя религия  
Не религиозен/религиозна
Посещение служб:  
Моя цель в жизни  
My ultimate goal in life is to acheive success in all aspects. Success should be had it not just a professional and financial sense, but also in a personal sense, with relationships, family, health, everything! I beleive that personal goals are very important and I have many, and I keep creating more... I can be considered a very motivated individual.
Мой юмор  
Умный, Сарказм, Сама дружелюбность, Немного "того"


По телевизору, я всегда смотрю  
Предпочитаемые жанры фильмов:  
Экшн, Комедии, Триллеры
Я люблю читать:  
Мои идеи классного времяпрепровождения  
My idea of fun can consist of a number of different things. I have fun working out, I have fun relaxing, I have fun going to dinner, I have fun taking vacations, I even have fun working... I really beleive that the quality of any experience can be determined by the one experiencing it, so I prefer to just have a good time!

В поиске

Считаю привлекательным:  
Интеллект, Красота, Юмор, Умения, Сопереживание, Остроумие, Внимание
Что и кого ищете?  
I look for a very well rounded, genuine person. For any two people to have interest in each other, there needs to be that initial attraction. Beyond that, good conversation and personality compatibilty are a must. I would find it very hard to be with someone who wasn't 'on board' with my direction in life. Not that I want someone to follow me, just to understand and appreciate my ambitions. I love good conversation...
Ищу отношения типа:  
Свидание, Интим